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#HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX, a nominee on Motion Design Awards #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

#HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Hanoi, VN
Video of the day nominee
concept: 6.21design: 6.97motion: 6.81sound: 6.99How the score is calculated
current score: 6.70details
5 years left

About this video

Hôm Nay Bạn Mang Gì ? (#HNBMG) is a very well-known street-wear community and clothing brand in the Vietnamese street culture. This year, to celebrate their 5th anniversary, they wanted to do something new and different rather than just releasing annual graphic-tees as usual. They wanted to follow a theme of space, future and sci-fi, representing a young generation in such a modern, dynamic world we’re living in. After coming across the early version of their design and 2D concept, a 3D version of this highly detailed and mechanic logo immediately appeared in my head.


Still image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOXStill image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX
Still image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOXStill image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX
Still image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOXStill image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX
Still image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOXStill image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX
Still image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOXStill image of #HNBMG 5 Years Anniversary by DGRBOX


Direction, design and animation by Do Le Duy
