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BTV by N3, a nominee on Motion Design Awards BTV by N3, a nominee on Motion Design Awards
Video of the day - August 20, 2020
concept: 6.79design: 7.37motion: 7.56sound: 6.97How the score is calculated
final score: 7.21details

About this video

In collaboration with “Qi’s Magic Design & Loushijie” we reinvented the identity of one of the principal official channels in China, Beijing TV. Inspired by key local decorative elements and colour palettes, we illustrated the idea of global big data analysis using traditional stylistics resulting in at once minimalist but complex aesthetic.

About N3

Still image of BTV by N3Still image of BTV by N3


General Producer: Golikov Andrew Senior Project Manager: Ivchenko Aleksander Operational Director: Goncharenko Alina Creative Producer: Davydov Denis Art Directors: Zharov Konstantin, Shkarina Anna CG/VFX Supervisor: Kosogov Andrew Concept Artists: Vozny Andrew, Druzhinina Aleksandra, Nikolaev Ilya CG Generalists: Yarkov Dmitriy, Shelyukhin Anton, Haikov Anton, Saprykina Elena, Sosna Nikolay, Obmoin Anton UI Design: Rozanov Artem Compositing Artist: Samorodov Igor 3d-modelers: Volokhov Oleg, Turkin Anton Sound production for ID and Promo: Saloid Aleksander
