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Less but better by Alex Cabon, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Less but better by Alex Cabon, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Less but better

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Alex Cabon
Paris, FR
Video of the day - February 10, 2025
concept: 7.86design: 8.55motion: 8.26sound: 7.64How the score is calculated
final score: 8.16details

About this video

Less but better is an educational motion design series aimed at showcasing ten iconic objects from history, linking them to the principles of Dieter Rams. The goal is to explore their stories and understand what makes them exceptional. The video serves as a teaser for this series, introducing our 10 episodes to explain its concept. The episodes have not yet b​​​​​​​een produced.

About Alex Cabon

Still image of Less but better by Alex CabonStill image of Less but better by Alex Cabon
Still image of Less but better by Alex CabonStill image of Less but better by Alex Cabon
Still image of Less but better by Alex CabonStill image of Less but better by Alex Cabon
Still image of Less but better by Alex CabonStill image of Less but better by Alex Cabon
Still image of Less but better by Alex CabonStill image of Less but better by Alex Cabon


Design, CGI & Sound Design : Alex Cabon Voice : Cormac Brennan
