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Foodies by Eliezer Koffi, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Foodies by Eliezer Koffi, a nominee on Motion Design Awards


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Eliezer Koffi
Abidjan, CI
Video of the day nominee
concept: 6.30design: 6.58motion: 6.74sound: 6.15How the score is calculated
current score: 6.50details
1 day left

About this video

AFRICA FOODIES INDUSTRIES is a natural fruit juice production and catering company located in Abidjan. The various products it offers to its customers are well known and sold through a vast distribution network comprising five (5) segments, namely: Large and Medium-sized Surfaces (supermarkets, gas stations, mini markets, shops, etc.); HORECA (Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Cafés, Maquis…); The Corporate (Companies, public and private institutions, Hospitals, etc.) Public and private events (Concerts, Corporate events, Weddings, Baptisms, etc.) Individuals according to different age groups. His vision is defined as: “Eat healthy to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. “ For this, AFRICA FOODIES INDUSTRIES advocates a return to basics and aims to make the taste buds of its guests travel by leading them “to discover the riches and culinary talents buried in the heart of our land. “ The structure is ranked among the benchmark local SMEs in the production of natural juice and high quality ready meals, based on local agricultural products purchased from cooperatives of small producers. Its mission is to become the national benchmark for natural fruit juices and ready-made meals of exceptional quality, accessible to all, in a continuous drive for innovation. AFRICA FOODIES INDUSTRIES is a responsible company concerned with preserving the environment, the well-being and the health of its consumers. “Every good achievement, big or small, has its periods of drudgery and triumph; a start, a fight and a victory »Gandhi An accountant by training, I started my career as an Administrative and Financial Manager. After a few years of work, I resigned in 2015 to embrace my passion: catering has always been my call, my vocation. When I was younger, during happy or unhappy events, I was recognized by my relatives as the right person to organize and successfully welcome and cater for guests. But the kind of cooking that I have always enjoyed above all else is cooking that takes care of others, their diets, or their lifestyle. The trigger occurred in me when my father fell ill and could no longer eat properly due to the very restrictive diet suited to his condition. On the instructions of the doctors, I concocted new tasty recipes for him which he enjoyed and which allowed him to play down his condition. Following that, I said to myself why not make a career out of it. And since then, I have understood how healthy eating can contribute to the quality and longevity of human life. Which gave me more strength to continue in this direction. This is how I created my first company in 2015. This company had its first failure but I took things in hand with a new company, which I currently run. I am NANGBAN DEGNI SERI, Founder and CEO FOODIES, My job is to fight every day with my team to offer our consumers healthy and natural products that take care of their health and ensure them a long and beautiful life on earth.

About Eliezer Koffi

Still image of Foodies by Eliezer KoffiStill image of Foodies by Eliezer Koffi
Still image of Foodies by Eliezer KoffiStill image of Foodies by Eliezer Koffi
Still image of Foodies by Eliezer Koffi
Still image of Foodies by Eliezer Koffi


Creative Direction & Motion Design by Eliézer Koffi Graphic Design by Thibault Momboye Voice Over : Rita Seri Marketing direction by Maire-Celine & Jean-Marc Coulibaly
