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The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung, a nominee on Motion Design Awards The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

The Mystery Elevator

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Stephy Fung
London, GB
Video of the day - September 13, 2020
concept: 7.59design: 7.11motion: 6.80sound: 7.27How the score is calculated
final score: 7.18details

About this video

The Mystery Elevator is inspired by the nuance of dreams and the nonsensical nature of it. After researching what certain dreams meant, I chose to use these four dreams: - Forest dreams symbolises wealth and fortune of the person. - Party dreams symbolises the need to improve social skills. - Aquarium dreams symbolises happiness through love and family. - Alarm clock dreams symbolises a wake up call or important decision.

About Stephy Fung

Still image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy FungStill image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung
Still image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy FungStill image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung
Still image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy FungStill image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung
Still image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy FungStill image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung
Still image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy FungStill image of The Mystery Elevator by Stephy Fung


Project created for OFFF Academy x Adobe. It was created within 7 months under the mentorship of Vasjen Katro (Baugasm). Mentor: Vasjen Katro (Baugasm) Sound Design: Lewis Cancut
