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A Grim Bond by Pisuicas, a nominee on Motion Design Awards A Grim Bond by Pisuicas, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

A Grim Bond

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
, FR
Honorable mention - April 15, 2021
concept: 6.78design: 7.06motion: 7.30sound: 7.04How the score is calculated
final score: 7.05details

About this video

A Grim Bond is a contemplative and symbolic journey inspired by the pheonician alphabet. This was a tremendous learning experience for both directing and executing a CG short while working with PI:EL on the score. It all started with the phoenician alphabet : one of the first non pictographic alphabets which inspired modern alphabets. What catched my attention were the names of each letter and the meaning linked to them. After choosing the title of the journey I was about to describe I took each letter and their meaning and researched their symbolic. A Grim Bond is a short wich depicts the symbolic of each letter in the title while telling a story about life and death. Hope you'll enjoy the trip !

Still image of A Grim Bond by PisuicasStill image of A Grim Bond by Pisuicas
Still image of A Grim Bond by PisuicasStill image of A Grim Bond by Pisuicas
Still image of A Grim Bond by PisuicasStill image of A Grim Bond by Pisuicas
Still image of A Grim Bond by PisuicasStill image of A Grim Bond by Pisuicas
Still image of A Grim Bond by PisuicasStill image of A Grim Bond by Pisuicas


Direction / Animation and sound design : Pisuicas Score : Pi:EL
