About this video
It's crazy how fast we can go form "I don't know 3d" to making a realtime ray-traced animation with 360 surround sound thanks to the power of Megascans and Blender. Initially was tinkering with the idea of creating a gloomy Japanese shrine but didn't feel it was the correct time to present something dire. So just by adding a little hummingbird — not to scale for "artistic reasons" :) — with a few lens flares, a simulated waterfall (inspired by IanHubert), a charming background score and a bit of audio mixing supervision, we ended up with a cute little scene. Check out more of our work on our websites attached down below: Animation Ved Sarkar: http://vedsarkar.com/ , https://www.artstation.com/vedsarkar Background Score Jeremy Marsan: https://jeremymarsan.com/ Audio Supervisor Joey Newton: https://youtube.com/channel/UCWdpp8qP...
About VedSarkar
Animation: VedSarkar Background Score: Jeremy Marsan Audio Supervisor: Joey Newton