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Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Hound Studio
Kharkiv, UA
Video of the day - June 15, 2021
concept: 7.55design: 7.70motion: 7.91sound: 7.72How the score is calculated
final score: 7.72details

About this video

We had the pleasure of working on a short frame-by-frame story for the Orchestra.  Overview: In 1972, a group of classical musicians in New York City wanted to make music in a new collaborative way and formed Orchestra. They assembled a unique creative team where everyone brings out the best of each other. Performing without a conductor, everyone can play a solo, serve as concertmaster, speak up in rehearsals. Orchestra transfers creativity and ownership from one conductor to every single musician in the orchestra. They recorded over 70 albums and won several Grammy Awards. Our team was challenged to create an emotive character animation and convey the atmosphere of Orchestra performance.  A big thanks to our amazing team to bring this project to life! Script & Sound Design by MezzoLab Design & Animation by Hound Studio

About Hound Studio

Still image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound StudioStill image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio
Still image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound StudioStill image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio
Still image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound StudioStill image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio
Still image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound StudioStill image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio
Still image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound StudioStill image of Orchestra | Frame-by-frame animated commercial by Hound Studio