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Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach, a nominee on Motion Design Awards Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach, a nominee on Motion Design Awards

Volvo V60 reveal - personal project

Avatar of  on Motion Design AwardsAvatar of  on Motion Design Awards
Germano Mombach
Stockholm, SE
Video of the day - October 31, 2021
concept: 7.33design: 7.99motion: 7.94sound: 7.69How the score is calculated
final score: 7.75details

About this video

My first bigger project in C4D and my first project after approximately 10 years without touching any 3D software. On this personal work I created a challenge to level up my skills on Redshift and C4D during this staycation. The cloth simulation was done in Marvelous Designer and later imported as an alambic in C4D. All the visuals here have little to none compositing as I didn't want to solve anything in comp - meaning they are “almost” raw renders using Redshift post-effects. Only NeatVideo denoiser, sharpness, cloth retouch, S curves and grain were applied.

About Germano Mombach

Still image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano MombachStill image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach
Still image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano MombachStill image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach
Still image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano MombachStill image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach
Still image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano MombachStill image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach
Still image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano MombachStill image of Volvo V60 reveal - personal project by Germano Mombach


Visuals: Germano Mombach Audio: Thiago Gautério
